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كل المدونات

Ideal scaling of spaced repetition 🇺🇸
Some collected cool stats about the Wiener process 🇺🇸
A character's journey from finger to glyph 🇺🇸
Ein Shitpost über die Hochzahlen in Unicode 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
A cartoon primer on online advertising 🇺🇸
Garbage collection by reference counting in a simple Lisp-like language 🇺🇸
Monodromy in graphs and spaces 🇺🇸
Was ich beim Implementieren von Sokoban fürs Intel 8080 gelernt habe 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
Two faithful transitive actions of a 64-group on 8 elements 🇺🇸
A family of cyclic cubic polynomials 🇺🇸
Asymptotic speedup and data structure interpolation 🇺🇸
Simple dependency injection using monads 🇺🇸
A look around Albuquerque in QGIS 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
RPi headless setup and remote connection 🇺🇸
Totality and non-standard recursion in Idris 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Der tragische Antagonist von True Detective: Night Country 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
Eine Anregung zur Galoistheorie 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Discovering copy-on-write in R 🇺🇸
A curried composition puzzle 🇺🇸
SQL injection and mitigation 🇺🇸
Finding dead links with a web crawler 🇺🇸
Memory management in Brainfuck 🇺🇸
Un rastreador de flujos sencillo 🇪🇸
Topology for genetics 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Intransitive Zufallsvariablen 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
A little encoding anomaly 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Coproducts and case splits 🇺🇸
Abstracting chatbots in Discord, Slack and Telegram 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Doing remote computations with WebSockets 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Counting elements of lists in Agda 🇺🇸
Ejemplos de mónadas 🇪🇸
Avoiding endless evaluations in Scheme 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Recorrer un sistema de archivos con restricciones 🇪🇸
A temporal system of logic 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Pensamientos sobre la docencia 🇪🇸
Automating associativity 🇺🇸
Algebra and arithmetic with inductive types 🇺🇸
Three semesters of projects 🇺🇸
Funciones generadoras y el infinito potencial 🇪🇸
Analysis of growth orders, continued 🇺🇸
Analysis of growth orders of sequences 🇺🇸
قصتين في اللغة العربية 🇪🇬
Schauergeschichten der Analyse 🇩🇪
Sudoku en C 🇪🇸
Who's Who of Elliptic Functions 🇺🇸
Beatty Series and Sums over Rationals 🇺🇸
Convergence of Complex Power Series 🇺🇸
Polyhedra in STL and the Conway Operators 🇺🇸
Das perfekteste Bund (Fiktion) 🇩🇪
Eine Analyse des Willens 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
Halloween with Freud 🇺🇸
Mechanical Mockery with Discord.py 🇺🇸
Who visits this blog, anyways? 🇺🇸
Introduction to Order Theory 🇺🇸
Conceptions of Infinity 🇺🇸
Recursive Generative Art with Pycairo 🇺🇸
Charon and Algernon (dialogue) 🇺🇸
Aristotle's Hylomorphism 🇺🇸
Lügen, die die Informatiker über Namen glauben (Übersetzung) 🇩🇪 🇪🇸
Alternate Day-Night and Seasonal Cycles 🇺🇸
Bookworm Adventures 🇺🇸
Spiele zur subjektiven Untersuchung des Gehirns 🇩🇪
Mr. Palomar (fiction) 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Packet-Fragmentation Optimization Problems 🇺🇸
Environmental Crossfitness in Genetic Algorithms 🇺🇸
Fish out of water (fiction) 🇺🇸
Trigonometry on the Koch Snowflake 🇺🇸
An orange (fiction) 🇺🇸
Population Puzzles and Mendelian Inheritance 🇺🇸
La hidra (ficción) 🇪🇸
Prädiktoren und Newcombs Paradoxon 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
Review of the movie 'Columbus' 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Aliens and Convergent Evolution 🇺🇸
SVD Decomposition and Image Compression 🇺🇸
Ambiguity in Language 🇺🇸
Loops and Groops 🇺🇸
The Limits of Science and Mathematics 🇺🇸
Thoughts about Technology 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Time Perception 🇺🇸
Die Prinzen 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
Warrant Canaries and Free Speech 🇺🇸
Retributive and Utilitarian Justice 🇺🇸
Blue Eyes and Common Knowledge 🇺🇸
We are Robots 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Ego Depletion 🇺🇸
Der Deutschkurs an der Universität Chicago 🇩🇪 🇺🇸
Forer Effect 🇺🇸
Analysis of the movie 'Us' 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Evolution with Python 🇺🇸
Kinderschema 🇺🇸
Snell's Law and Quickest Paths 🇺🇸
Consumer and Producer Surplus 🇺🇸
An Auction Problem 🇺🇸
El Instituto Veraniego de Idiomas 🇪🇸
El Cuarteto de Nos 🇪🇸
Zeroes of Aperiodic Sinusoids 🇺🇸
Supply and Demand 🇺🇸
The Diet Problem 🇺🇸
Utility and optimization problems 🇺🇸
Review of the book The Glass Bead Game by Hermann Hesse 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Review of the movie Kumiko the Treasure Hunter 🇺🇸 🇪🇸
Random Variables Part 3: Continuous Distributions 🇺🇸
Random Variables Part 2: Discrete Distributions 🇺🇸
Random Variables Part 1: Measures of Central Tendency and Spread 🇺🇸
Sums Involving Arithmetic Functions 🇺🇸
Some Arithmetic Functions 🇺🇸
About PROMYS 🇺🇸
Interesting Trigonometric Integrals 🇺🇸
Integrals involving Logarithms and Algebraic Functions 🇺🇸
The Residue Theorem 🇺🇸
A Half-Exponential Integral 🇺🇸
Integration without Antidifferentiation (Part 2) 🇺🇸
Dirichlet Series 🇺🇸
Multidimensional Integrals 🇺🇸
The Gamma and Digamma functions 🇺🇸
Reciprocal-Fibonacci Series 🇺🇸
Some Double-Exponential Series 🇺🇸
Using complex numbers to evaluate series 🇺🇸
Fractional Iterates 🇺🇸
Strange recursions 🇺🇸
A summary of functional iteration 🇺🇸
Solving Difference Equations 🇺🇸
Integration without Antidifferentiation 🇺🇸
More Functional Equations 🇺🇸
Sums with Binomial Coefficients 🇺🇸
Inverse Trigonometric Identities 🇺🇸
Roulettes, non-Russian 🇺🇸
Non-telescoping Sums 🇺🇸
The Gamma and Lambert-W Functions 🇺🇸
Extension of Summation Bounds 🇺🇸
Telescoping Sums 🇺🇸
The Billiard Ball Problem 🇺🇸
Solving Functional Equations 🇺🇸
Pascal's Trapezoid and Some Puzzles 🇺🇸
Digit Sums 🇺🇸
Two Divisibility Problems 🇺🇸
Pascal's Triangle 🇺🇸
Explicit Fibonacci Sequence 🇺🇸
n-Involutory Rational Functions 🇺🇸
Iterated Polynomials 🇺🇸
More on Iterated Functions 🇺🇸
Amortization Formulas 🇺🇸
Area Under a Sine Arch 🇺🇸
Squares in a Lattice Grid 🇺🇸
Slicing a Plane 🇺🇸
Triangle Median Problem 🇺🇸
How to Graph a Donut 🇺🇸
Iterated Functions 🇺🇸
The Lemniscate 🇺🇸
Tilted Parabola 🇺🇸
Distance from a Point to a Line 🇺🇸
Island Bomb Problem 🇺🇸
Area of a Regular Polygon 🇺🇸
Centroid of a Triangle 🇺🇸